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Celebrating Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month

by Cincinnati Art Museum


Asian Art, Asian American Pacific Islander Art, Rookwood Pottery Company, Nam June Paik, Bukang Kim, Kitaro Shirayamadani

Enjoy these works by artists who identify as Asian American or Pacific Islander in the museum’s permanent collection.

Extra Brilliant: Gorham Silver Deposit on Rookwood Pottery

by Lea C. Lane, Curatorial Assistant for Decorative Arts and Design


behind the scenes, Gorham Silver: Designing Brilliance 1850–1970, Rookwood Pottery Company, Curatorial Blog, Decorative Arts

Keen-eyed visitors to our current exhibition, Gorham: Designing Brilliance, will notice a familiar Cincinnati name on two of the objects: Rookwood Pottery.

Teacher Blog: Celebrating Women From the CAM Collection Preview

by Angela Mascolino


Evenings for Educators, Maria Longworth, Rookwood Pottery Company

The March Evenings For Educators will celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of women artists such as Georgia O’Keeffe, Elizabeth Nourse and others.

New Acquisition: When Past and Present Collide

by Amy Dehan, Curator of Decorative Arts & Design


Rookwood Pottery Company, New Acquisition, Murals, Fireplace

Among the beloved early-twentieth-century Rookwood murals, fireplace and fountain in The Procter & Gamble Gallery (G126), you’ll now find a striking new addition: The Living Room Fireplace.